Monday, May 30, 2011

Revisit, Return, Revamp

It's been over two years since I began this blog. Health issues, an interstate move and a need to rethink my approach stopped its progress for a while. Now that my health has had some improvement, we've settled into our Tennessee home and I've given a lot of thought to this blog.

Within a few months of learning Paint Shop Pro, I became interested in writing my own PSP scripts. I had never written Python code, but spent a career in computer programming and web design,so my interest is not that surprising. It gave such power to image creation, particularly in the area of animation, that I wanted to share my knowledge with other PSP enthusiasts.

While there is some interest in scripting, particularly among scrapbookers, there are far more folks who simply want to fix a photo, reposition an image or add a simple effect. I've taken that into consideration when planning changes to this blog. Future posts will include information on acquiring PSP, basic skills, PSP resources and even some freebies.

I hope you'll check back regularly to see what is new.



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